The Laurel Hardy Murder Case

The LaurelHardy Murder Case is a Laurel and Hardy comedy film released in 1930. It is one of a handful of threereel comedies they made, runningminutes. It was directed by James Parrott, produced by Hal Roach and distributed by MGM.

Stan and Ollie are shown to a bedroom to sleep overnight, which is the room in which Ebeneezer was murdered. They hear a strange noise and in the darkness see a pair of eyes which turns out to be a cat. They then hear a scream and decide to investigate.Meanwhile the butler is calling all of the relatives to a study telling them they have a phone call. After lifting the handset of the phone a trapdoor opens into which each relative disappears. Stan and Ollie return to their bedroom and get into the bed but a bat has flown into their room and is under their covers, which causes them to panic and run downstairs. ........

Source: Wikipedia